
UniFEST is on! Arad`s Students` festival.


The 20th edition of UniFEST student fest, organized by AVU`s Students League, will take place in Arad between the 5-10 of November. It`s an anniversary edition that offers students the opportunity to get involved in educational, cultural and sports activities.

Present at the opening ceremony, AVU`s Vice Rector, Teodor Cilan congratulated students for the effort invested in preserving the festival`s tradition in Arad: “I am delighted to be here with you. This is a rather singular edition due to the pandemic and therefore your organizational efforts deserve our appreciation even more. The university`s management has always shown support, and will continue to do so, for every project run by the Students League”.

For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/evenimente/a-%C3%AEnceput-unifest-festivalul-studen%C8%9Bilor-ar%C4%83deni